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Image by Diego PH

10 Days of Giving

Ayelet HaShachar is volunteer-led and relies on community donations and grants to cover our various running costs and keep our events free and accessible.



For those keen to make a donation, GoFundMe seem to be having issues receiving donations from credit/debit cards at the moment. You can either donate via Apple/Google pay using your mobile device, or transfer directly into the Ayelet bank account:

NAME: Ayelet HaShachar 
BSB: 012361
ACCOUNT: 417526171




GoFundMe - 10 Days of Giving with Ayelet HaShachar


This High Holy Day period, 

we're asking you for your financial support. Our 10 Days of Giving, from Yom Kippur to Shabbat Chol Hamoed (the last Shabbat of Sukkot), is our first fundraising drive ever.

We're aiming to raise $10,000. This will be generously matched by a member of our community. These funds will go towards our ongoing running costs, renting event spaces, designing and printing siddurim and machzorim, purchasing a shofar, stipends for our hard-working team, and keeping our services free and accessible for all.


Contribute here

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